PTE Academic is an international computer-based test of English language . It measures your English ability by testing your level of English through tasks which reflect real-life settings. PTE Academic is also meant for non-native speakers of English who need to demonstrate their English language ability. PTE academic is a computer based English proficiency test. This test examines a candidate in areas of English speaking, listening, writing and reading, four areas where English proficiency is required in order to ensure smooth stay and success in any endeavor in an English speaking country. Two modules are integrated during the test and each of the modules is tested through computer based assessment. The voice of the candidate is recorded in listening module. The test is conducted on a secure computerized system so as to ensure a glitch free examination.

PTE is acknowledged by almost all the big universities of United States and United Kingdom. The credibility of Pearson Test Of English has 100% recognition in Australia. It’s a portion of Pearson Enterprises. PTE is advocated and authorised by Graduate Management Admission Council. The best part of this test is the candidates aren’t kept awaited for the results as it’s announced within 5 days. This has made it popular despite of being new entrant in the field of English testing exams. PTE is a relatively new entrant in the field of English proficiency testing. However, this test has gained wide popularity in a relatively short frame of time, particularly because of fast results.


  •  PTE Academic is leading computer-based English test for study abroad and Immigration.
  •   Fast Results typically 5 working days.
  •  Schedule tests upto 24 hours in advance.
  •  Approved by the Australian government for Visa applications.
  •   PTE Academic is the English test trusted by universities, colleges and governments around the world.
  •  PTE Academic offers candidates greater convenience with test session run over 360 days a year in more than 50 countries including 18 locations in India.



1. Reading: It consist of objective questions like Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, reading and re-writing the paragraph etc. Time Duration: 30-40 minutes.
2. Listening: Here you need to answer both objective and subjective questions. MCQ, fill in the blanks, Look for the missing words, highlight the Right paragraph and thereby throw light on the wrongly framed sentences. You will be ask to submit the synopsis of the spoken content. Also you need to pen down the dictation. Time Duration: 45-57 mins.
3. Speaking/ Writing : This test is divided into two parts, Lets check it briefly:
  • PART ONE: In this part, main focus is thrown on the candidate’s speaking and writing competence. This start with your intro wherein you can speak out as many things about yourself as you want to. Although this doesn’t count any score for you but you get the opportunity to give information regarding your personality so that the data could be forwarded to the chosen universities and institutions.
  • PART TWO: Here, The examinee will be provided with an audio clip, in return to what s/he needs to answer over microphone. The motive of this section is to make the candidate speak aloud, giving descriptions of the given picture, doing repetitive attempts of reading the sentences and lectures, compiling the written text, writing on given topics, and answer to questions in brief.
    We are one stop Solution for all your English language related needs, where we dispel the reputations of English as being so fearsomely difficult.

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